Logging In

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • Welcome to the Basic operator training course!

    • How to change the playback speed of the videos

    • How to use this course

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    Section 1 - Introduction to WingtraOne

    • Customer Drone Activation

    • Wingtra Knowledge base

    • Know your equipment - WingtraOne Tech Specs

    • Know your equipment - WingtraOne Hardware

    • Know your equipment - WingtraOne payload compartment

    • Know your equipment - WingtraOne Pilot box

    • What is WingtraPilot

    • What is WingtraHub

    • Section 1 - Quiz

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    Section 2 - Before you go into the field

    • Flight batteries

    • How to charge your batteries

    • How to download offline maps and elevation data

    • How to update WingtraOne and WingtraPilot

    • Section 2 - Quiz

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    Section 3 - How to prepare a flight

    • Theory of flight

    • How to create a new project

    • How to set up the flight - home point

    • How to set up the flight - area

    • How to set up the flight - corridor

    • Safety parameters

    • Geobarrier

    • Terrain following

    • Section 3 - Quiz

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    Section 4 - How to perform a safe flight

    • Environmental conditions

    • On-site WingtraOne set up

    • Checklist and preflight checks

    • How to check the propellers

    • Operator responsibilities

    • Safety features and inflight interactions - RTH

    • Safety features and inflight interactions - Emergency Shut-off

    • Safety features and inflight interactions - Pause and Resume

    • Safety features and inflight interactions - Manual landing

    • Section 4 - Quiz

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    Section 5 - Geotagging

    • What is geotagging

    • How to retrieve flight data

    • Non-PPK geotagging

    • PPK geotagging

    • Base station considerations

    • Post processing software compatibility

    • Section 5 - Quiz

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    Section 6 - Support setup, warranty, and Wingtra products

    • Support setup

    • How to export logs

    • Warranty and privacy policy

    • Feedback portal

    • Wingtra Extended Service Products

    • Section 6 - Quiz

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    Next steps

    • Congrats! Here's what's next...

    • Flight tutorial

    • Flight excercises

    • Before you go...